Vivek Vikas Mission

Arise!Awake! And Stop Not Till The Goal Is Reached!

VVM's Covid-19 responses

Covid-19 Relief services

In response to the disruption caused by Covid-19 pandemic Vivek Vikas Mission gathered the resources for relief services to people in the remote areas for whom such support is a rarity at this time. We distributed Hunger Survival Kits to the underprivileged and the needy affected by loss of work due to Covid-19 pandemic.

From 3rd April to 11th June 2020 relief was provided to 1216 poor and vulnerable families in various remote areas around Khiri. The beneficiaries are mainly daily wage earners who serve as laborers in Brick kilns and sand mines (Sand loading) from the river. Due to lockdown they are living in abject poverty without any source of income. Besides, there were labourers from other districts who got stranded in the area.

In addition, Vivek Vikas mission arranged to donate essential medical supplies like PPE kits and N-95 masks for the front-line health workers at IGMC, Nagpur.

These humble Services rendered by the VVM has been possible through the donations received from well-wishers like you. Our sincere thanks to you all.

Project Gopal Bhog

“Mom said we can have rice once a day till Dad and Mom can go back to work again”… “What will we do if Corona never goes away?”….”I come to the classes in morning just drinking water and take tea when I feel hungry”……

we hold back emotions as our students tell us about their life and anxieties during the lockdown- as we resume our free coaching classes partially again after four months’ of lockdown due to Covid-19.


The deterioration in their already compromised health testifies their even tougher struggle for survival. The profound sadness and queries in their innocent hearts are beginning to cast dark shadows on their hopes for two square meals a day in the growing age…let alone concentrating on studies! While we do our best to extend emotional and psychological & educational support, nutrition has to come first. From these inputs it’s obvious that the time to do something is NOW! .

Vivek Vikas Mission, in urgent response have started “Project Gopal Bhog” (meaning feeding the Lord in a child) in Khiri village of Kotulpur, Bankura (WB), a nutritional support initiative for the malnourished students from 14th July, 2020. Better nutrition will go a long way in strengthening the much-needed immunity to prevent diseases, including Covid-19.

Distribution Of Clothes

From time to time, our Mission undertakes distribution of clothes for the needy children and women from the adjoining villages. These clothes are donated by our members and well-wishers. Home survey is done by the trustees prior to such distribution to ensure the real needy ones get the benefit. For the underprivileged children and the needy villagers, this is a welcome help as is evident from the joy on their faces…
If you wish to contribute to this activity, please feel free to contact us.

Distribution of Blankets to the needy

This was the first social activity undertaken by Vivek Vikas mission, on 15th December 2016. Fifty (50) new blankets were distributed after door to door survey of the needy on Ramchak Junior High School Ground, Village: Khiri, Post: Kotulpur. Bankura. West Bengal-Pin 722141.

Five disabled and ill persons were given blankets at their homes by our members as they were unable to come to the venue of distribution.

Since then, every year prior to the winter we distribute blankets to the needy and deserving persons so that they can survive the bitter cold of Bankura.

National Youth Day Celebration

We joined the rest of India in celebrating The National Youth Day- a celebration to mark the Birth of ‘The Leader”- Swami Vivekananda on the 12th of January each year.
About 400 children from schools in Khiri, Ramchak, Karakberia villages participated in the celebrations. The atmosphere reverberated with ‘SWADESH MANTRA’- O India! Forget not that thy marriage, thy wealth, thy life are not for sense pleasure, are not for your individual personal happiness; forget not that thou art born as a sacrifice to The MOTHER’S ALTAR; forget not that thy social order is but the reflex of the infinite universal motherhood; forget not that the lower classes, the ignorant, the poor, the illiterate, the cobbler, the sweeper, are thy flesh and blood, thy brothers!… Inspiring life and message of Swamiji was read and message of the Leader was discussed. Snacks were distributed to end the celebrations.

Independence Day Celebration

Independence Day was celebrated with enthusiastic participation of 350 students of Ramchak Junior High School and Khiri Primary School –both of Khiri village.
Programme included National Flag Hoisting and singing of National Anthem, recital of‘Swadesh Mantra’ given bySwamiji impressing on youngminds our responsibilities and duties towards our nation and our people-the neglected people of our country, followed by RALLY with recital of Swamijis “vani’ by few students. Snacks were distributed to all the children to end the celebration.

Tree Plantation Drive

To impress upon young minds the importance of tree plantation to save our environment and understand the interdependence of human existence/ sustenance on maintaining a healthy environment and reducing the ill effects of global warming- tree plantation drive is undertaken in Khiri village by our Mission. Children enjoy planting Banyan, Mango and other trees and learned to erect guarding fence to protect the new saplings from cattle. Children have shouldered responsibility to water the plants regularly

Daily Evening Prayers & Reading from Holy Books

Daily evening prayers are a part of routine in our Mission. This is followed by ‘Guided Meditation’ and reading from Holy Scriptures like ‘Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita’, Sri Maa Sarada Devi or Swami Vivekananda.

Why do we pray?
Prayer purifies the heart,
Pure heart leads to noble thoughts,
Pure thoughts lead to good deeds…
As Swami Vivekananda has said-
“Meditation means the mind is turned back upon itself. The mind stops all the thought waves and the world stops. Your consciousness expands every time you meditate, you will keep your growth”
“Get the mercy of God and of His children; these are two chief ways to God. The company of these children of God is very hard to get; five minutes in their company will change a whole life.